We are incredibly happy and proud to welcome you to our brand new outside space!
This outside gym space adheres to government guidelines that allows us to operate from the 29th March.
Equipment that will be available:
- New turfed flooring for comfort,grip and safety during outside training
- 8 Individual stations with 3m x 5m space
- Retractable awning for rain/sun cover
- 2 Pull up bars per station
- 1 Squat rack per station
- 15/20kg Barbell
- Cable machine
- Plyo-box
- Selection of Weight plates and DB’s
We are afraid at this time we will not be allowing benches and cardiovascular equipment outside.

Opening Times:
6 am-1 pm (50 min bookable slots on the hour)
1 pm-4 pm (Close to the public)
4 pm-8 pm (50 min bookable slots on the hour)
8 am-12 pm (50 min bookable slots on the hour)

Booking details:
To book we will be using our same booking system (Fitsense) as last year, if you don’t still have the app on your phone please download from one of the links below.
Google play
All sessions will be 50 mins long to allow time for cleaning and to limit contact being the groups in separate time slots. The slots will be available to book from 17th March at 2 weeks ahead going forward. As you can imagine we are expecting high levels of attendance in our first few weeks so we will be implementing a MAX x3 ATTENDANCE PER WEEK this is to allow as many members as possible get access to the site and get started back with their fitness routine.

What your experience will look like:
- Upon arriving you will be welcome by one of our staff and asked on your first visit to fill out our new Health & Safety form
- Once sign in you will be assigned a station outside
- Once arrived at your station please use the sanitation equipment provided
- Please let our staff know if you require any specific Dumbbells or plates for your planned session and if you are currently suffering from any injury
- If you do not have a planned programme to follow please check our instagram stories for the workout of the day
- We regret that bathrooms and changing rooms will not be available until the 12th of april
- When the end of your workout is approaching please ensure you finish promptly and have time to wipe down your equipment
We look forward to seeing you back at the gym. If you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to contact us at Info@Just-Gym.com